Chairman |
Mr Esmond CHIU |
Deputy Director-General (Telecommunications), OFCA |
Secretary |
Mr Sidney TSAN |
Assistant Director (Regulatory Affairs), OFCA |
Members |
Mr Michael KAN |
Representative of Consumer Council |
Ir George CHAN |
Representative of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers |
Mr Ben LI |
Representative of the Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong |
Mr Alex WONG |
Representative of Communications Association of Hong Kong |
Mr Francis FONG |
Representative of Hong Kong Information Technology Federation |
Ms Noel CHU |
Representative of China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited |
Mr Karson NG |
Representative of China Telecom Global Limited |
Ms Lillian LIU |
Representative of China Unicom (Hong Kong) Operations Limited |
Mr Dickson IP |
Representative of ComNet Telecom (HK) Limited |
Mr J LAW |
Representative of Easy Tone Network Limited |
Miss Katherine KWOK |
Representative of HGC Global Communications Limited |
Ms Sophia YAP |
Representative of Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited / HKBN Enterprise Solutions Limited / HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited |
Mr Raymond CHAN |
Representative of Hong Kong Cable Television Limited |
Mr Kevin CHU |
Representative of Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited / PCCW-HKT Telephone Limited and Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited / PCCW Global (HK) Limited |
Ms B K HUI |
Representative of Hutchison Telephone Company Limited / Genius Brand Limited |
Mr Patrick NG |
Representative of NTT Com Asia Limited |
Mr T L OR |
Representative of SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited / SmarTone Communications Limited |
Representative of Towngas Telecommunications Fixed Network Limited |
Mr Terence HO |
Representative of TraxComm Limited |
Miss Clio IP |
Representative of Village Telephone Limited |
Mr Tony TSANG |
Representative of VNET Group Limited |
Mr H N HU |
Representative of Vodafone Enterprise Hong Kong Limited |
Mr David ONG |
Representative of Xenith IG Hong Kong Limited |
Representative of Unified Carrier (External Fixed Services) Licensees as a group |
Ms Lillian LIU |
Representative of Mobile Virtual Network Operators as a group |
Mr Tony LAM |
Representative of External Telecommunications Service Operators as a group |
Mr Y YU |
Representative of Services-based Operator Licensees as a group |
Mr Derek SO |
Representative of Localised Wireless Broadband Service / Localised Wireless Broadband System (Private) / Pubic Radiocommunications Service / Wireless Internet of Things Licensees as a group |
Representative of Hong Kong Police Force |
Mr Ricky CHONG |
Member appointed on an Ad Personam basis |
Dr Ivan HO |
Member appointed on an Ad Personam basis |
Dr Y R FU |
Member appointed on an Ad Personam basis |
Ms Katy LAU |
Member appointed on an Ad Personam basis |