Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of Second “5G Campus Application Competition”

In view of the overwhelming responses received during last year's "5G Campus Application Competition" (the Competition) under the theme of “5G Campus for Smart Life", OFCA organises the Competition again this year under the theme "5G x AI — Smart Living and Learning Anytime Anywhere", aiming to enhance students' understanding of the enormous potentials of 5G technology and its extensive innovative applications, as well as to inspire them to apply both 5G and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in creating smart living experiences.

The Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of the Competition was held on 18 May, attracting students, teachers, and members of the public who were interested in the Competition and the latest technology developments to participate. Mr Chaucer Leung, Director-General of Communications, delivered a Welcome Speech and officiated at the event with the representative of the Competition's Co-organiser, Ir Samson Suen, General Manager, Smart City Division of Hong Kong Productivity Council. Senior practitioners from the innovative technology and education sectors were also invited to share with students and other participants the applications of 5G and AI and their future development trends. The Competition is also supported by various organisations from the communications and educations sectors.

Application for the Competition is open until 31 May. For details, please visit the Competition's thematic website at

Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of Second “5G Campus Application Competition”
Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of Second “5G Campus Application Competition”
Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of Second “5G Campus Application Competition”