5G Label Banner

In order to promote the development of 5G indoor coverage, the Office of the Communications Authority ("OFCA") launches the Labelling Scheme for Buildings with 5G Indoor Coverage (the "Scheme").

With the ongoing development of 5G services, there is a growing public demand for high-speed and reliable mobile services. 5G services also facilitate the introduction of innovative applications, thereby fostering smart city development in Hong Kong. A ubiquitous 5G network coverage, both indoors and outdoors, is therefore becoming increasingly important. The Scheme encourages mobile network operators ("MNOs") to equip buildings with indoor 5G mobile communications facilities in order to enhance 5G coverage for indoor areas and uplift the overall image and value of the building.

MNOs can make registration with OFCA when 5G mobile communications facilities are installed at the indoor common parts or locations of a building such as lobby, lifts, carpark, shops or basement for 5G indoor coverage. OFCA will set up a Register and update it regularly to inform the public about 5G indoor coverage information. MNOs may collaborate with the venue managers to post the 5G Labels (as shown below) at places where 5G coverage is available at those common parts or locations Note.


The Register is available for public access at -

Publicity Materials

Note: The actual speed of a 5G network will be affected by various factors, including network capacity, number of customers using the network concurrently, user device performance, user locations, etc.