When you move to a new home, you may expect your existing fixed telephone or broadband service providers to continue providing services to you at your new address, especially if your existing fixed-term contract has not expired yet. Nevertheless, your service provider may not be able to provide service to your new address (e.g. the new address may be outside the network coverage of your existing service provider). In such case, you may need to switch to other service providers but doing so may incur early termination charge payable to your existing service provider.
Under the Industry Code of Practice for Telecommunications Service Contracts ("Industry Code"), consumers will be better protected. In summary,
You should ask the service providers how their service contracts comply with the above requirements. You should also make reference to the Industry Code, wherever necessary, so as to understand the enhanced protection you can enjoy. Please refer to paragraph 11 of the Industry Code.
The Industry Code is a voluntary scheme of the industry and has been implemented by all major fixed and mobile network operators since July 2011. Consumers should note that the latest version of the Industry Code which has taken effect since 1 October 2023 only applies to (a) all new telecommunications service contracts, and other specified contracts, that are entered into, renewed, extended or replaced on or after 1 October 2023; and (b) personal or residential users. Moreover, some of the protections offered by the Industry Code do not apply under certain conditions. Consumers should seek clarifications from service providers when in doubt, or where necessary, refer to the relevant parts of the Industry Code.
Please visit this page for the full text of the Industry Code and the list of service providers who have adopted it.