
Since 2010, the Government has been encouraging the finance, insurance, telecommunications and call centres industries to implement an industry scheme in managing marketing calls with a view to minimizing the inconvenience that may be caused to the public.

These industries have issued their codes of practice (Industry Codes) with reference to the Benchmark Code of Practice on Person-to-Person Marketing Calls (Benchmark CoP) formulated by the then Office of the Telecommunications Authority since 2011. The key features set out in the Industry Codes include –

To further expand and strengthen the industry regulation of marketing calls, the Benchmark CoP was refined in 2024 with the following enhancements –

Participating Industries

Apart from the four existing industries, three new industries, namely beauty, estate agencies and money lenders, have also joined the Industry Regulatory Scheme for Marketing Calls and issued their respective Industry Codes. The industries and respective associations are tabulated below –

Existing Industries Trade Associations
Finance The Hong Kong Association of Banks
The DTC Association
Insurance The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers
Telecommunications Communications Association of Hong Kong
Call Centres Hong Kong Customer Contact Association
New Industries Trade Associations
Beauty The Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Ltd.
Estate Agencies Estate Agents Management Association Ltd.
Hong Kong Chamber of Professional Property Consultants Limited
Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd.
Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association
Money Lenders Hong Kong General Chamber of Property Finance
The Hong Kong S.A.R. Licensed Money Lenders Association Ltd.