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Printed at 2:58pm on 27 March 2025
Webpage --
For Consumers

To help us accurately and efficiently assess whether your complaint involves possible breaches, you are kindly requested to provide us with as much information as possible. In this connection, lodging complaints in writing with the necessary information will assist the process considerably. A report form, which describes the necessary information, can be:

  • filled in online. The web form is available here. In particular, if you are reporting a case about spam email, please use the web form and follow the instructions to extract the header information of the email message.
  • downloaded as PDF 
  • obtained by fax through our enquiry hotline at 2961 6333; or
  • obtained by sending a request to Communications Authority, 29/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

Apart from filling in the report form, you may choose to report a suspected contravention of the UEMO by sending a letter to CA. The letter should include:

  • your personal particulars (e.g. your name and contact information);
  • the type of the commercial electronic message received;
  • the date, time and electronic address at which the message was received;
  • the promotional/marketing elements of the message; AND
  • any contact information available in the message as well as other information that may be relevant to our investigation (e.g. a copy of the message received).

In case you have difficulty in writing, you may contact us by calling 2961 6333 (from 8:30am to 5:45pm, Monday to Friday except public holidays). Our officer can help fill in the report form for you. To ensure accuracy, the completed form will be sent by post or by fax to you for your confirmation and signature.

If you are not satisfied with our reply or investigation result, you may appeal in writing to Assistant Director (Support) for a review of your case. In the appeal letter, please state the reasons for lodging an appeal and the specific actions that you request us to undertake.


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