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The Communications Authority is organising the "Beware of Phone and SMS Scam Poster and Slogan Design Competition" ("Competition"), which aims to raise the alertness of students and parents against phone and SMS scams. All primary school students in Hong Kong are welcome to participate.


Participants may choose either Theme (1) or (2) to design a poster, and create a slogan of 10 to 20 words (excluding punctuation marks) for the poster:

Theme (1) Telephone Scams

  • If you receive a suspected scam call, hang up immediately and ignore it.
  • Do not disclose personal information and transfer money to strangers.

Theme (2) SMS Scams

  • If you receive a suspected scam SMS, do not reply or click any hyperlink(s) in the SMS.
  • Do not disclose personal information and transfer money to strangers.

Students who are interested in joining the Competition may visit the following webpages to obtain more information about anti-phone scams.

Thematic Webpage:

Information Leaflet:


Primary 1 to 6 students

Requirements on Entries
  • All entries must be hand-drawn. There is no restriction on the choices of drawing tools and paints.
  • Each entry must be accompanied by a poster slogan of 10 to 20 words either in Chinese or English (excluding punctuation marks).
  • The poster design must include the image of CommBo, the mascot of the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA), as shown below.
  • Participants may choose either (1) to create the poster by using the drawing sheet on the backside of the entry form, on which the CommBo image has been included by default, or (2) to create the poster by using a blank A4 drawing paper, and affix the entry form to the backside of the drawing paper. If participants choose to use a blank A4 drawing paper to create the poster, they are required to add the CommBo image (in colour) to the poster (any position) by themselves. The image must be at least 7 cm tall and proportionate to the poster. The CommBo image can be downloaded and printed by clicking here.
  • Participants must provide all the information required by the entry form or their entries might be disqualified.
Judging Criteria

Expression of Theme 35%
Creativity of Slogan 35%
Creativity of Design 15%
Artistic Presentation 15%

Awards and Prizes
Champion Certificate and gift voucher valued HK$1,500
First Runner-up Certificate and gift voucher valued HK$1,000
Second Runner-up Certificate and gift voucher valued HK$800
Merit Awards (10) Certificate and gift voucher valued HK$500
Outstanding Participating Schools (3)
(Top 3 schools with the largest number of submissions)
Certificate and gift voucher valued HK$1,000
Closing Date


Submission of Entries
  • Please click here to download the entry form.
  • If necessary, schools can print the entry form on an A4-sized paper.
  • Limited amount of entry forms is available for collection by schools. Each school can request a maximum of 120 forms on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact Ms Kwok of OFCA at 2961 6749 for details.
  • Please submit the entry together with the completed entry form in a sealed envelope marked with "Beware of Phone and SMS Scam Poster and Slogan Design Competition" to the following address:

Accept Submission by Post or in Person ONLY
Public Affairs Division
Office of the Communications Authority
29/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai
Hong Kong

Collection time: 9:00 am – 5:45 pm, Monday to Friday (except Public Holidays)

  • All entries must be submitted on or before 5:45 pm, 24 October 2024 (Thursday). For submissions by post, the postmark date will be treated as the date of receipt. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Rules of Competition
  1. The participant warrants that the submitted entry is the participant's original work and does not infringe any copyright of any person or organisation. The participant will be liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights regarding the submitted entry.
  2. Each participant is allowed to submit only ONE entry based on one of the themes of the Competition. Participants who submit multiple or incomplete entries will be disqualified, and all related entries will be deemed to be invalid.
  3. Each entry must be accompanied by a poster slogan of 10 to 20 words either in Chinese or English (excluding punctuation marks). The poster design must include the image of CommBo, the mascot of OFCA.
  4. Immediate family members of the employees of OFCA are not allowed to participate in the Competition.
  5. Participants must ensure that their entries do not contain any materials that are obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, disparaging, discriminatory or contents that are controversial and inappropriate, and do not violate the laws of the HKSAR and constitute or cause danger to national security, otherwise the participants will be disqualified.
  6. Participants warrants that all information submitted is true and correct. OFCA shall have no liability whatsoever if OFCA could not notify the winner as a consequence of the provision of incorrect information.
  7. All submitted entries will not be returned.
  8. OFCA reserves the right to use, modify, duplicate and disseminate to any media channel(s) the content of the work without prior consent from the schools and participants.
  9. If invited by the organiser, the award winners are obliged to participate in filming and interviews. The footages may be used to create promotional videos, which will be published on the competition website, online video platforms, various media channels, and may also be used by the organiser or other government agencies, with no prior consent to be sought from the schools and participants.
  10. OFCA reserves the right to amend the rules, terms and conditions, contents, and arrangement of the Competition at any time without prior notice to the participants.
  11. Decisions made by the organiser's judging panel shall be final. Any objection to the results and awards of the Competition will not be accepted.
Results Announcement and Prize Presentation Ceremony
  • Results will be announced at OFCA's website on 6 November 2024. Winners will be notified individually.
  • Winners of the Competition will be invited to attend the prize presentation ceremony scheduled to be held on 23 November 2024 (Saturday) at the "Say No to Phone Scams" Fun Day cum Exhibition event. The Fun Day is a two-day event to be held on 23 & 24 November 2024. Details will be announced in due course.
  • Winning entries may be displayed at the prize presentation ceremony, on OFCA's website and social media platforms for public viewing.

2961 6749 Ms Kwok


Communications Authority

Download Entry Form
Download the CommBo Image

The CommBo Image

(Please click open the image, point the mouse at the image, then right click the mouse and choose "Save image as..." to download the image.)