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Printed at 3:40am on 27 March 2025
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    Television Broadcasting Services Quantity
    Total television programme service licences (as at February 2025) 34
    - Domestic free television programme service licences (as at February 2025) 3
    - Domestic pay television programme service licence (as at February 2025) 1
    - Non-domestic television programme service licences (as at February 2025) 9
    - Other licensable television programme service licences (as at February 2025) 21
    Digital terrestrial television penetration rate (as at November 2024) (Note 1) 94.1%
    Total TV audience (aged 4 or above) (as at November 2024) (Note 1) 6,467,000
    Total TV households (as at November 2024) (Note 1) 2,613,000
    Number of subscribers of licensed domestic pay television services (as at December 2024) (Note 2) 1,433,000
    Sound Broadcasting Services Quantity
    Sound broadcasting licences (as at February 2025) 2
    Telecommunications Services Quantity
    Mobile network operators (as at February 2025) 5
    Mobile virtual network operators (as at February 2025) 24
    Local fixed network operators (as at February 2025) (Note 3) 29
    External fixed telecommunications services providers (as at February 2025) (Note 4) 188
    - Facility-based external fixed network operators (as at February 2025) (Note 5) 41
    - Services-based external telecommunications services providers (as at February 2025) (Note 6) 147
    Residential fixed line penetration rate (as at November 2024) (Note 7) 62.0%
    Mobile subscriber penetration rate (as at November 2024) (Note 8) 357.1%
    Mobile subscriptions (as at November 2024) (Note 9) 27,648,650
    Mobile broadband subscriptions (as at November 2024) (Note 10) 27,639,512
    Internet Services Quantity
    Internet service providers (as at February 2025) (Note 11) 337
    Registered subscriptions with broadband access (estimated) (as at November 2024) 2,984,362
    Household broadband penetration rate (as at November 2024) (Note 12) 96.4%
    Fibre-to-the-home / building (FTTH/B) household penetration rate (as at November 2024) 85.7%
    - FTTH household penetration rate (as at November 2024) 71.6%
    - FTTB household penetration rate (as at November 2024) 14.1%
    Public Wi-Fi access points (as at February 2025) 85,510
    Fibre Broadband Network Coverage Percentage
    FTTH/B residential unit coverage rate (as at December 2024) (Note 13) 92.8%
    - FTTH residential unit coverage rate (as at December 2024) 90.4%
    - FTTB residential unit coverage rate (as at December 2024) 2.4%

    * In the above table, some operators are authorised to provide more than one type of services and therefore the above total number of service providers may be larger than the total number of licensees.

    Note 1: Source: CSM Media Research Co., Ltd.
    Note 2: Source: Domestic pay television programme service licensee.
    Note 3: Include all licensees authorised to provide facility-based local fixed telecommunications services under unified carrier licence (UCL) using wireline or wireless technology.
    Note 4: Include all licensees authorised to provide facility-based external telecommunications services ("ETS") under UCL and service-based ETS under services-based operator ("SBO") licence.
    Note 5: Include all licensees authorised to provide cable-based and non-cable based ETS under UCL.
    Note 6: Include all licensees authorised to provide service-based external fixed telecommunications services under SBO licence.
    Note 7: The number of residential fixed line refers to the total number of residential exchange lines and non-exchange lines, while the residential fixed line penetration is calculated by dividing the number of residential fixed lines by the number of households in Hong Kong.
    Note 8: Calculation of mobile subscriber penetration rate does not include machine type connections.
    Note 9: "Mobile subscriptions" include conventional mobile voice and/or data subscriptions by customers and machine type connections.
    Note 10: "Mobile broadband subscriptions" refer to those who have subscribed to or used 2.5G/3G/4G/5G mobile data services.
    Note 11: Include all licensees authorised to provide Internet access services under UCL and SBO licence.
    Note 12: "Household broadband penetration rate" is calculated by dividing the total number of residential broadband subscriptions by the number of households in Hong Kong. It generally reflects the proportion of households with broadband access in Hong Kong, apart from some households which may subscribe to more than one broadband access lines.
    Note 13: "FTTH/B residential unit coverage rate" is calculated by dividing the total number of residential units with FTTH/B by the number of permanent living quarters in Hong Kong. It generally reflects the proportion of residential units with FTTH/B in Hong Kong.

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