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Chapter 8 Financial Results

Financial Statements

Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 March 2017
(Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars)

Note 2017 2016
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 8 141,918 153,323
Intangible assets 9 2,528 3,478
Placement with the Exchange Fund 10 480,000 875,281
624,446 1,032,082
Current assets
Debtors, deposits and advance payments 11 18,871 2,724
Interest receivable from placement with the Exchange Fund 6,242 7,181
Other interest receivable 702 515
Placement with the Exchange Fund 10 424,166 -
Bank deposits 225,900 234,500
Cash and bank balances 3,277 9,819
679,158 254,739
Current liabilities
Creditors and accruals 36,252 25,869
Provision for employee benefits 13 8,596 7,110
Amounts due to related parties 21 27,519 26,985
Deferred income 14 171,887 161,046
Notional profits tax payable 6,436 7,291
250,690 228,301
Net current assets 428,468 26,438
Total assets less current liabilities 1,052,914 1,058,520
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax 12 473 1,376
Provision for employee benefits 13 90,041 90,815
90,514 92,191
NET ASSETS 962,400
Trading fund capital 15 212,400 212,400
Development reserve 16 690,165 690,165
Retained earnings 17 - -
Proposed dividend 18 59,835 63,764

Miss Agnes Wong
General Manager,
Office of the Communications Authority Trading Fund
25 September 2017

The notes form part of these financial statements.