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To provide full support to the Communications Authority in fulfilling its vision that Hong Kong has the world-class communications services to meet the challenges of the information age.


We are committed to -

  • Public - Fulfilling the needs and expectations of the community
  • Industry - Providing a fair regulatory environment conducive to innovation and business investment
  • Economy - Maintaining Hong Kong's position as a pre-eminent communications centre in the region to support economic development
  • Staff - Maintaining a cohesive, versatile and professional team and nurturing a working environment that recognises and rewards results
  • Civil Service - Being a model department that performs effectively and efficiently


  • Integrity - Neutrality, impartiality, transparency, accountability, openness
  • Professionalism - Expertise, discipline, credibility, ethics, commitment
  • Respect for the Community, Clients and Staff - Freedom of expression, responsiveness, understanding, efficiency, effectiveness
  • Foresight - A proactive attitude, anticipation, awareness