Access Co-ordinators & Access Officer

Access Co-ordinators & Access Officer

It is Government's established policy objective to provide a barrier-free environment for persons with disabilities with a view to enabling them to access to premises and make use of the facilities and services therein on an equal basis with others, thereby facilitating them to live independently and fully integrate into the community.

To facilitate Government-wide collaborated efforts in enhancing the accessibility of Government premises and facilities, the Government has established an Access Co-ordinator and Access Officer Scheme. The Access Co-ordinators in the Office of the Communications Authority ("OFCA") are responsible for co-ordinating accessibility issues within OFCA, whereas an Access Officer is responsible for, among other things, offering assistance to persons with disabilities in access to the venue under OFCA and using the services and facilities therein, and handling public enquiries and complaints regarding accessibility issues for the venue.

If you have any enquiries or comments on the accessibility of premises, facilities and services under OFCA, please contact our Access Co-ordinators and Access Officer as follows -

Access Co-ordinator

Officer Officer Mr Kingsley YEUNG, Assistant Director (Support)
Telephone No. Telephone No. 2961 6521
Fax No. Fax No. 2116 3334
E-mail address E-mail address
Address Address 29/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Deputy Access Co-ordinator

Officer Officer Ms Maria WONG, Deputy Departmental Secretary 1
Telephone No. Telephone No. 2961 6665
Fax No. Fax No. 2803 5110
E-mail address E-mail address
Address Address 29/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Access Officer

Officer Officer Ms Catherine LAU, Assistant Departmental Secretary 1
Telephone No. Telephone No. 2961 6659
Fax No. Fax No. 2803 5110
E-mail address E-mail address
Address Address 29/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Barrier-free facilities of the Office